Sunday 3 October 2010

Types of shots

This is a medium close up, it is used to see the persons facial expressions but also its got their sholders in the shot so you can see part of their body language.

This is a close up shot it is used to see peoples facial expressions and helps you to see what the person is feeling.

This is a low angle shot it is used to show the person as having alot of power over and being superior to other charaters and the audience.

This is a high angle shot this does the opposite to the low angle shot and gives the impression of the subject having less power and being inferior to the other charaters and audience.

This is a two shot (group more than one) normaly it can have two (or more) people in it and this helps to establish relationships between the charaters, this shot is also good for dialogue as you can see all the people talking to one another and can see their facial expressions.

This is a long shot it is used to show the whole charater and their enviroment, it usually has the whole body and some room below their feet and above their head. It is used to show body language and how the charater is interacting with their enviroment.

This is an extreme close up it is used to see one particular part of the subjects face, e.g eyes, mouth, nose. It can show in depth emotion and make the audence even more in tune with the charaters feelings.

This is an over the sholder shot, it is used to see from behind what the charater is doing and gives the audience the charaters point of view. It is mot commonly used in dialogue.

This is a medium shot, it is like a long shot but the subject has been cut off at the knee, this puts more focus on the top of the body and facial expressions but you can still see some of the background.

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