Monday 4 October 2010

Theory of Propp

Vladamir Propp was a Russian critic who said that most films followed the same narritive structure and similar charater stucture.
Propp said that all charaters have a funtion and purpose that is followed in almost every film.
A hero- Main focus of narrative and seeking something out
A Villain- Seeks out to oppose the hero in his mission
A Donor- Assists the hero where he can using a certain 'trade'
A Dispatcher- Sends the hero on his quest
The False Hero- Disrupts the heros success
The Helper- Aids the hero as much as he can aka Sidekick
The Princess- Reward for the hero and usally the subject of a evil plot by the villain
The Princess's Father- Rewards the hero for his assistance to helping the princess

However nowadays this theory isnt always applied to films as now adays there is the use of a female hero and some charaters are left out as they wouldnt effect the narrative of the film.

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