Tuesday 18 January 2011

Final Treatment for our film

10 Years Ago: February the 14th 4pm: Four friends Chad, Alison, Jenny and John go to a cabin by a lake for the weekend. After a year of abuse Alison is brutally murdered by her boyfriend Chad after she suggests they break up. The three quickly return home and report Alison as missing. The police recieve an anonymous call and her body is found later that night. Present Day: February the 14th 4pm: On the front page of a newspaper is an article about Alison's memorial, inside halfway through the newspaper is a column that reads "Wedding of the year: Today's the day" Chad is getting married to Sara a spoilt rich girl at a hotel. With best man John at his side and Jenny as the maid of honour, Chad is sure that nothing could go wrong. So far everything seems to be going according to plan. The bride and groom are only moments away to getting married. 5pm: Then Jenny discovers a body of one of the wedding guests in the bathroom and on the wall the words "Fiat justitia ruat caelum" (May justice be done though the heavens fall) She runs to tell John, who has also found a dead body with the same message. They both start freaking out 5,25 pm: All of a sudden the power goes out in the hotel, and now surrounded by darkness they discover a few more bodies and with the same message again. They realise that all of the victims they had discovered were somehow connected or knew Alison. And they were all killed the same way Alison was. 5,58pm:They are now both forced to relive the day their best friend killed someone and how they had to spend the last 10 years keeping this secret. They go to find Chad and tell him what has been going on. 6,26pm: Jenna suspects that Alison has come back from the dead to kill them and get her revenge, to which both John and Chad think is absurd. Upset that the two are mocking and making fun of her she runs away. 7,37pm:Moments later they hear a scream and its Jenna, they run to where they heard the scream to discover that she has been killed the same way as the other victims, except the message now says "One down; two to go" 7,50pm:The guys still trapped in the hotel try to call the police, but there is no network. The guests are getting scared and wondering what is going on. 8,00pm:Then Chad decides that he needs to go check on his fiancee and see if she's alright. He finds her dead and covered in blood. And there is a message saying "she didn't deserve this" 8,07pm:Horrified and shocked he starts to think that maybe Jenna was right. Maybe Alison was back to get her revenge. 8,14pm:He goes to look for John, but he can't find him. When he does finally find his best friend, John has been brutally killed. But this time there is no message. 8,16pm:Then Chad starts to feel like someone is watching him. He thinks its Alison, so he starts screaming her name in anger to come and kill him. 8,23pm:Then he discovers that newspaper article about Alison's memorial "Ten Years Gone but Never Forgotten" He starts to feel the guilt and remorse that he should've been feeling for all these years. 8,37pm:On the next page is another article that says "Alison's murderer acquitted" In the article is a name he recognises Jason Wen from his old high school, but back then he was known as "The comic book kid" 8,47pm:He turns around to be confronted with someone wearing a Kabuki mask. "And then there was one" a voice that Chad recognises as Jason's says. 9pm: Jason kills Chad. 10 Years Ago February the 14th 9pm: After the call the police arrive at the cabin where they find Alison's body, with someone stood next to it covered in blood. Sixteen year old Jason is arrested for the murder of Alison. In his satchel they find drawings and pictures of Alison and they suspect he had been stalking her for months.

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