Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Evaluation Q5

How did you attract/address your audience?
We attracted our taret audience by using actors and storys that could relate to our age group (16-25) we used male and females so it would appeal to both genders, girls will feel sorry for the girl in our filma nd men will want to relate to the man in our film as he is confident. Our audience will be familiar with the red font in the titles which will imedietly help them reaslise what genre it is within the first 2 mins and make them want to watch the rest of the film. Somethin they might not be familiar with is the music as we dont have the typical type of music associated with this genre, we used an acustic song love song and chose it because it contrasts with the mood of the film and the theme is love so it does fit in with the story line.

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