Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Evaluation Q2

How does your media product represent particular social groups? The girl in our film can be compared to Ellie in Soroity Row as they both are quiet and dont like arguing but as the film goes on they both stand up for themselves alot more (in our film, i break up the relationship, in sorority row she stands up to the other charaters more and more as the film oes on) the difference is in sorority row the charater goes from weak to strong but in our film she doesnt have the chance to do that as she is killed in the first 2 mins. Our charater links to Laura Mulveys , Male Gaze as she is seen as the weaker charater compared to the men as he kills her but she is not portrayed as a maddona or a whore, so is only very loosely linked to this theory. According to Stuart Halls theory people who are the same sexuality and have shared a background with the charater interpret text in different ways. People who are quiet or have had the same experiences as our charater would be able to ecept the meaning of our film easily.

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