Wednesday 1 December 2010

Evaluation Of Prelim Task

I think our film went quite well. We used a wide variaty of camra shots and made sure we had no continuity errors alothough i think we did have one, where it jumps to fast from one persons line to the next and sounds a bit cut and rushed but there was no time to re-film it so we had to edit it as best we could to make it as good as we could. Also when we dont cut it soon enough and you get part of us talking and standing up. I think it would of been better if we had added music to it too but that would of created a copywrite issue and we hadnt learnt about garage band at the time. One the whole i think that the film turned out well we kept to the 180 degree rule as well which was the most important rule as our whole film consisted of us sat opposite each other at a table talking.

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